

File DescriptionFileLink
1.English Proficiency Requirements for Graduation
2.Foreign Students: Regulations for Waving Applied Mandarin
3.Undergraduate Students: Regulation of "Practice on Special Project"
4.Undergraduate Students: Special Research Project Competition Enforcement Rule
5.Undergraduate Students: Regulations for Applying to the Pre-master Program
6.Master and Ph.D. Students: NPUST Procedure to Award Graduate Students with Outstanding Research Performance
7.Policies for Ph.D. Students (Ph.D. Students Enrolled in Academic Year 2012)
8.Policies for Ph.D. Students (Ph.D. Students Enrolled in Academic Year 2013)
9.Policies for Ph.D. Students (Ph.D. Students Enrolled in Academic Year 2014-2023)
10.Policies for Ph.D. Students (Ph.D. Students Enrolled in/after Academic Year 2024)

Department Forms

File DescriptionFileLink
1.Undergraduate Students: Application Form for Premaster Program
2.Undergraduate Students: National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Special Project Supervisor Agreement Form
3.Master and Ph.D. Students: Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation Application Form for Future Course(s) Opening
4.Master and Ph.D. Students: Application Form for Outstanding Research Award
5.Master Students: Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation Application Form for the Verification on Publication of Master Students
6.Ph.D. Students: Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation Application Form for the Verification on Ph.D. Publication Points (Ph.D. Students Enrolled before Academic Year 2024)
7.Ph.D. Students: Application Form for Publication Credits of Ph.D. Program (Ph.D. Students Enrolled in/after Academic Year 2024)

Master and Ph.D. Students Oral Defense

File DescriptionFileLink
1.Thesis Format Approved by the International College
2.Master's Thesis/ Doctoral Dissertation Confirmation Form

Download Link (Office of Academic Affairs)

3.Master/ Ph.D. Oral Defense Committee Reimbursement List
4.Thesis/ Dissertation Oral Defense Grading Form (One Sheet Each Committee Member)

Download Link (Office of Academic Affairs)

5.Report of Thesis/ Dissertation Defense

Download Link (Office of Academic Affairs)

6.Certification of Successful Thesis/ Dissertation Oral Defense

Download Link (Office of Academic Affairs)

7.Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Agreement

Download Link (Office of Academic Affairs)

8.Cancellation Form for Thesis/ Dissertation Oral Defense

Download Link (Office of Academic Affairs)

Ph.D. Evaluation and Qualifying Exam

File DescriptionFileLink
1.Ph.D. Evaluation/ Qualifying Exam Committee Reimbursement List
2.Application Form for Ph.D. Evaluation
3.Grading Sheet for Ph.D. Evaluation (One Sheet Each Committee Member)
4.Result of Ph.D. Evaluation
5.Application Form for Qualifying Exam
6.Committee Recommendation Form for Ph.D. Qualifying Exam
7.Grading Sheet for Ph.D. Qualifying Exam (One Sheet Each Committee Member)
8.Result of Ph.D. Qualifying Examination