Keep up with global warming trends, seize agricultural opportunities.
Make friends with the world, wide visions.
Listen to different voices, connect with the globe.
Stand on international stages, affirm self-worth.
Speak to the world, spread DTAIC spirits.
Keep up with global warming trends, seize agricultural opportunities.
Make friends with the world, wide visions.
Listen to different voices, connect with the globe.
Stand on international stages, affirm self-worth.
Speak to the world, spread DTAIC spirits.
Keep up with global warming trends, seize agricultural opportunities.
Make friends with the world, wide visions.
Listen to different voices, connect with the globe.
Stand on international stages, affirm self-worth.
Speak to the world, spread DTAIC spirits.
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The only department in Taiwan to offer full degree programs in English

Internationalization, modernization, and refinement of agriculture experts.

Develop and integrate animal and plant production, management and applications, smart agricultural production technology, and promote international cooperation.


Outstanding Alumni

Name/ Position/ Affiliation

  • Chang, Chin-Chyuan/ Professor/ Department of Aquaculture, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
  • Lin, Yu-An/ Associate Professor/ Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Yilan University
  • Yang, Rui-Yu/ Researcher/ World Vegetable Center
  • Chen, Jan-Chang/ Associate Professor/  Department of Forestry, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
  • Chen, Chien-Hao/ Assistant Professor/ Department of Hospitality Management, National Kaohsiung Hospitality University
  • Li, Wen-Li/ Director/ Fengshan Tropical Hurticultural Experiment Branch, and Top 10 Outstanding Agricultural Expert
  • Yen, Tsai-Fa/ Professor/ Research Center for Spatial Economy, Sichuan University of Science and Engineering
  • Qiu, Zhu-Ying/ Director/ Taiwan Banana Research Institute, and Top Ten Outstanding Agricultural Expert
  • Long, Way/ Associate Professor/ Department of Wood Science and Design, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
  • Ho, Ping-Yueh/ Assistant Professor/ Department of Post Modern Agriculture, Mingdao University
  • Lu, Fang-Ju/ Director/ Neipu Junior High School
  • Lin, Chun-Nan/ Associate Professor/ Department of Agribusiness Management, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
  • Lin, Ying-Ming/ Head/ Yoyuan Environmental Farm
  • Lin, Shen-Chuan/ Director and Veterinarian/ Dong Chuan Veterinary Hospital

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