International Cooperation and Development Fund- Taiwan Technical Mission in St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Internship Location: St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Period of Internship: August 12, 2019 – January 22, 2020
Student Name: Hua-Cheng Soong (Monica), Ting-Yu Chung
Practical Subjects: Banana Rehabilitation Project
From the internship I have obtained a lot on several fields which not limited in agriculture. The most important I learnt were two: (1) we need to take environment and culture into consideration while planting. (2) see things in other viewpoints, met people who working in different field and talked made me thinking in other way that I’ve never thought about.

This is a very rare opportunity to go abroad for an internship. Thank very much for department’s help and guidance from the internship unit. In the future, if I have a chance, I will also transform this valuable internship experience into a reference for my career.
