Hsin Shing Egg Company
Internship Location: Pingtung County
Period of Internship: 1st July, 2019 – 30th August, 2019
Student Name: Bishnu Prasad Bhattarai, Sandip Neupane, Uday Kumar Deep, Dasari Dileep
Practical Subjects: Production of eggs. Cleaning and packing of eggs. Dealing with broken eggs and liquefied eggs.
I get knowledge about how to raise the chicken, operate all steps involved during the processing of eggs, manage the waste products, etc.

I am satisfied with this unforgettable interaction and I have found this company as a building block for my future.

I Personally learnt how to organize a company and make the better use of resources available. Especially, working in this company taught me how to maintain good friendly atmosphere in the workplace.

In the company I meet company owners for my doubts and I faced so many problems in the internship. Lot of things I learned from this internship for future.
